Transforming Driveway Island into A Coral Reef Garden

About the project

Our client initially had a conventional driveway island—a single tree surrounded by grass. While conventional and charming, it lacked the vibrancy and unique character they desired. The client envisioned something more—a space that would transport them to a serene, subtropical retreat every time they arrived home.

When we visited the site, we discovered the client had purchased a beautifully carved octopus rock sculpture. Inspired by this unique centerpiece, we immediately envisioned creating a coral reef garden. We brought this idea to life using an array of otherworldly succulents, a striking grass tree, and lush mosses that the client loves. To add our personal touch, we incorporated decorative rocks, stones, and shells, evoking the natural beauty of a coastal sanctuary.

The result is a work of art—a garden that invites discovery at every turn. Our client described it as bringing immense happiness, saying it feels like uncovering new surprises with every glance. This project perfectly showcases how even a conventional driveway island can be transformed into a stunning feature that adds joy and value to a property.

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