Philodendron Pink Princess is a tropical plant that is native to the South American country of Colombia. The Philodendron Erubescens, or the Pink Princess as it is most commonly called, is a tropical plant that is most suited for indoor environments in New Zealand. This plant is sure to leave an impression due to its colourful blotches of light pink on dark green leaves.

The Pink Princess is a member of the Araceae Philodendron family. The Philodendron Pink Princess is a climbing, or vine-like plant that grows slowly. Just like any vine-like plants, the Pink Princess is well suited to be grown on a grow pole, so it can climb, or simply left to trail down. ( I find it preforms best when giving it a support to grow on) Being a tropical plant, the Pink Princess likes soil that is drained well, I find it best to let the soil dry before rewatering and this can vary depending on the time of year and the tempretures.
The Pink Princess Philodendron was considered a rare hard to find tropical plant in New Zealand and Tropical Treasures Taranaki was the first retailer to stock this beautiful plant in New Zealand! The Pink Princess is famous for its variegated leaves.
Something that sets this beautiful plant apart is the distinct variegation of its leaves, ‘Pink Princess’ is so unique. The leaves of a Pink Princess are dark green in colour but with bright splashes of light pink colour. And to help you make sure that your Pink Princess holds on to that beautiful pink variegation I have created this helpful guide.

Philodendron Pink Princess Care Tips
I know what you might be thinking, but the Philodendron Pink Princess is not a high maintenance plant and is relatively easy to grow indoors in New Zealand. So don’t worry as I will teach you the most important steps to take to make sure your Pink Princess keeps its colorful leaves all year long.
Tropical Treasures Taranaki stocks the Pink Princess Philodendron and many other indoor tropical plants. Give us a visit and choose from a wide variety of tropical and subtropical plants. Its not often available over the winter months.

Potting Mix: What is the right potting mix for your Pink Princess?
Philodendrons do best in loose, or high porous, well-drained soil that is high in organic matter. They will grow in 100% peat moss and this is a good way to get them growing, its a great aroid to propagate but remember to only do this in the warm months when its the growing season. I then recommend to pot them up in a good quality free draining potting soil mixed with 20% perlite ratio. The perlite is processed from volcanic minerals into light, grainy bits that resemble tiny pieces of foam. This makes the perlite work well with the soil to create a nicely drained soil for your Philodendron Pink Princess. Please always wear a mask when handling potting soil.
Watering: Things to consider when watering your Philodendron Pink Princess.
A common cause of the Pink Princess losing its variegated leaves is under-watering the plant. Although this plant is pretty though and can tolerate being under-watered up to a point, under-watering your Pink Princess can cause the plant’s leaves to turn dark-green and lose it’s famous pink colouring. A good tip to ensure your plant is properly watered is to allow for the top level of soil (about 2 to 3 centimeters from the top) to dry out before you water it again. As a guide, you can use the tip of your index finger up to the first knuckle to assess how dry the soil is. It is important that whatever potting medium you use drains well.
You don’t want to rot your new plant.

Sunlight: How much sunlight does your Pink Princess need?
Everyone knows that plants need the sun to survive but finding the right balance of sunlight for a plant to thrive can be difficult. The Philodendron Pink Princess prefers an environment with medium to bright indirect sunlight.
Speaking of sunlight, the reason the Philodendron Pink Princess is so popular in New Zealand is for their dark coloured leaves with variegated blotches of light pink colour. The Pink Princess needs a delicate balance of indirect sunlight to maintain those beautiful blotches of light link. Set the Philodendron in a location with bright, yet indirect sunlight.
On the other hand if Philodendron Pink Princess is placed in a low light environment, the leaves will loose it’s variegation and the plant will revert back to it’s dark green colour. This is a self-defense mechanism as the more solid green leaves will allow for the plant to produce more energy from the lack of sunlight.

Fertilizer: What is the optimal Pink Princess fertilizer balance?
To help this slow-growing plant grow quicker you can use a high-quality liquid foilage houseplant fertilizer. These usually contain micro-nutrients such as calcium and magnesium which will help your Pink Princess stay healthy throughout the year. We can supply you with a great fertilizer.
Bonus Tip: Don’t buy cheap fertilizer for your Pink Princess as these cheap fertilizers usually contain heavy salts that can damage or even kill the roots of your plant.

Temperature: What is the ideal temperature for the Pink Princess?
This Philodendron plant is happiest in temperatures ranging from 13 and 35 degrees Celsius. The ideal range is somewhere in between 18 to 26 degrees Celsius in the daytime. At night time, a temperature of around 16 degrees Celsius will make sure your Pink Princess gets a good night sleep.
Toxic: Is the Philodendron Pink Princess toxic?
Philodendron plants should not be consumed by animals or humans. Philodendron plants contain insoluble calcium oxalate crystals and chewing one of these plants will release the crystals. This will cause irritation to the gastrointestinal tract and in rare cases, it can cause difficulty breathing. I suggest always being educated about the toxicity of your plants so you can safely enjoy them. Source: Pet Poison Helpline.

Pests: What kind of pests should I look out for when caring for my Pink Princess?
Philodendron plants are not known to be particularly prone to pests. If you do find your Pink Princess is attracting insects, a good tip is to occasionally shower the plant with water and remove any visable bugs. Doing this will help protect your plant from pests.

Philodendron Pink Princess NZ Guide
Following this helpful tips will ensure your Pink Princess stays healthy and colorful year-round. Don’t forget to share this guide with a friend that is struggling with caring for their Pink Princess. Come and visit our tropical plants shop in Taranaki where we regularly stock the beautiful Pink Princess and many other indoor tropical plants.